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2010-01-07 Wir are currently testing an automatic returned mail analysis. Accounts with invalid e-mail address will automatically be locked and can only be used again once a valid e-mail address has been submitted. This will, for example, improve the quality of paidmail recipients.
2010-01-02 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
4 11 12 13 23
2009-12-31 Wir wünschen allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2010.
2009-12-26 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
6 12 14 18 20
2009-12-19 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
8 9 11 12 19
2009-12-17 Wie moved. Unfortunately, it went not all perfectly. Therefore, we still have no access to e-mails. Please be patient.
2009-12-12 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
7 25 1 20 19
2009-12-05 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
5 6 8 18 19
2009-11-28 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
25 2 1 14 15
2009-11-21 There has been a new drawing of lotto numbers:
1 20 23 25 17